Cookers Weigh In---Throw Down Thread

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That's a heck of a lineup! Am proud to be on it. Good luck to all the teammates!

I was just at Mill Mountain Coffeeshop and all the scones were in their case crying out to me, "Buy me, Bob, buy me, we'll be so good together." Cranberry-orange, blueberry, lemon. . .

I stuck to black coffee, but by gosh, when I lose my first 10 pounds I am going to have one of those sweet things. ;) :p :)
The weekends always sabotage me. My daughter made us go to a little Mexican restaurant we love. I had taco salad, but didn't eat the shell.

Tonight we are going out on Lake Michigan on a friend's boat. She is a gourmet cook and always fixes some really good dishes for their little boat parties. But she also tries to be very healthy, so hopefully that won't be bad. Tomorrow is our annual church picnic where everyone brings a side dish to share. That's the real black hole for me. But I'll try to be strong.
As a fitness trainer can I give my two cents? THROW YOUR SCALES AWAY!:D You don't know how much of your weight is fat and how much is lean muscle mass. You can weigh 120 pounds (female) or 180 (male) and still be fat! Skinny fat. That's what we call it. You can go by how your clothes fit, which is a fair indicator of inches lost. Or better yet, get your bodyfat measurements done once a month. :p

For example, at my fittest I weighed 148. That's seems high for 5'4". But I was very fit with a low BF%. Right now, I'm about 134 pounds of shriveled up flabby butt oxygen sucking endorphin deprived muscle wasting heart pounding woman. Hahah!

Don't mean to spoil the fun. On that note, I'm going to eat some pancakes with melted butter and warm syrup. :)
PeggyM said:
As a fitness trainer can I give my two cents? THROW YOUR SCALES AWAY!:D You don't know how much of your weight is fat and how much is lean muscle mass. You can weigh 120 pounds (female) or 180 (male) and still be fat! Skinny fat. That's what we call it. You can go by how your clothes fit, which is a fair indicator of inches lost. Or better yet, get your bodyfat measurements done once a month. :p

For example, at my fittest I weighed 148. That's seems high for 5'4". But I was very fit with a low BF%. Right now, I'm about 134 pounds of shriveled up flabby butt oxygen sucking endorphin deprived muscle wasting heart pounding woman. Hahah!

Don't mean to spoil the fun. On that note, I'm going to eat some pancakes with melted butter and warm syrup. :)

Thanks for you input. As to tossing the scales:p :p :p :p :p There is no way that these ladies will let "ME" check their "BF" or anything else:eek: although I like the idea. Any advice on diet and exersice will be most welcome. And anyway is getting paid by the pound:D
cooker said:
Thanks for you input. As to tossing the scales:p :p :p :p :p There is no way that these ladies will let "ME" check their "BF" or anything else:eek: although I like the idea. Any advice on diet and exersice will be most welcome. And anyway is getting paid by the pound:D

Yep, no body fat pinching or naked immersion in a pool to gauge the body fat scientifically. Cooker already is working (against his baser instincts) to prevent this from becoming a sex thread. :D :D :D Scales may be primitive but they are what we have. WEIGH-IN IS MONDAY MORNING, GUYS AND GALS!

But we certainly welcome expert advice.
Last day before weigh-in

Last day before weigh-in

Everyone be good.:D I almost lost my will-power yesterday..Had a salad for lunch(family celebrating Grandson's birthday at Sports Bar.. )but they brought him this HUGE hot-fudge Brownie with a Large scoop of ice cream..:p and I was siiting next to him:( ..but didn't even take a bite.:D Bonnie
Granbonny said:
they brought him this HUGE hot-fudge Brownie with a Large scoop of ice cream..:p and I was siiting next to him:( ..but didn't even take a bite.:D Bonnie

Who are you? Superwoman??????:D
Granbonny said:
Everyone be good.:D I almost lost my will-power yesterday..Had a salad for lunch(family celebrating Grandson's birthday at Sports Bar.. )but they brought him this HUGE hot-fudge Brownie with a Large scoop of ice cream..:p and I was siiting next to him:( ..but didn't even take a bite.:D Bonnie

Way to go Bonnie.... I have a birthday celebration tonight:eek: I will be strong... Got on the scales this morning with good results....

Tomorrow morning the weigh in!!!!!!!
Today will be tough.:( Daughter having all family over for a Lasagna Lunch..salad. and Bread........I bought a huge fruit platter..while she was buying all the stuff for Lasagna.:D .......I had 2 pieces of diet toast..for breakfast..and keep filling up on water....Good Luck all...:) Bonnie
Okay here is some advice. You all seem to be starving yourselves!:eek: You don't need to do that.:) When people starve themselves or restrict their food intake drastically they slow down their fat burning machine, your metabolism. The best way to speed up the process, even if you aren't exercising (which you should be) is to eat small meals every 2-3 hours. I am dead serious. No pun intended. lol. I'm not talking a big meal. I'm talking little meals, like a small salad, some veges, a can of tuna (drained and rinsed), a turkey pattie or any other meat pattie, a piece of chicken, whatever. You will not be hungry, as you would be by waiting a long time between meals. And you will speed up your metabolism.

I like to think of it as you would think of a car. What happens if you don't put gas in your car? It doesn't run, right? Same thing with your body and metabolism. If you don't fuel your body/system it's not going to run. And actually, when you go long periods without eating and try eating so minimally you in fact slow down your metabolism. When you are fueling your body every couple of hours or so your metabolism is going to run faster, meaning you'll burn calories faster.

And while the key to weight loss is creating a deficit (more caloires burned than consumed), the goal should be long term. It should be a lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

Your lesson for the day. :D Tell me to shut up and I will. It wouldn't be the first time. Haha!
Some great helpful hints, Peggy.......I have not been hungry this past week...Just switched from regular bread, butter to the Lite stuff......and Lean Crusines, fruit, ect for lunch instead of a heavyFast-food...( made sure I was not hungry when we took a car trip..down for groceries, ect..) so easy to go thru drive-thru for a Hamburger, ect. before coming home..Just life changes like this..if I stick with it...:p ..which I plan to do..Just have to remember to buy Lite bread..tomorrow I am going to buy 100%whole wheat bread....more lite lunche meat, ect..Dinners are not bad..I eat meat but no potatoes..Veggies and No bread..Today our heat broke.:D Lots of afternoon pop-up thunderstorms with hope to enjoy our pool before it closes in a few weeks..and do a lot more walking. Bonnie
Peggy. Your information is highly appreciated. Very helpful. PLEASE COULD YOU BE OUR COACH??

While in rehab they did a BF test and it is frankly, so humiliating even though they are kind and supportive there that I just won't let anyone else do another one! Can you buy those tricky little thumb wheely BF testers anywhere for a reasonable price? I could probably rent mine out and get the investment back, eventually! :D

You are right, that the weigh-in is not an accurate thing. But you are speaking from the point of a health professional. We are all overweight here! WAY overweight (well, speaking for myself). The scale is a good thing since it keeps us thinking about it all. It's the act of committment to fess up and take some kind of measure. Still, let us know about the BF devices.

Thanks for the advice on small, frequent meals. That's me, right now and it's working quite well.

Another thought is VEGETABLES. Like last night, we were out running around all day and it made dinner so late that we went to our favorite Italian restaurant and just sat in the bar and had very healthy (well, it's a great restaurant) Happy Hour snacks of roasted pepper stuffed with herbs and a pinch of crab, bruschetta which are small toast with olive oil, chopped tomatoes, onions and herbs, steamed clams with garlic and their own broth. I had one "light" drink. I love dark rum and tonic with lime. That's just my drink. So I ask for half a shot and a lot of tonic and figure that has to be a concession toward the good. And it gets me happy hour prices!! Anytime you are in a restauant, look for the vegetarian offerings. Or lately, places have "simple" this and that. Grilled salmon with steamed veggies. PErfect!!

I wasn't perfect this weekend, and certainly sat around more than moving, but this week (aside from a sleep study.....snore......) I'll get my rear back in gear.

See y'all tomorrow!!

:D Marguerite
RobHol said:
Thanks, but no danger of me starving myself. :D Just have to say no to sweet things (scones, muffins) and salty things (chips, crackers).

Not starving here either. I don't personally like the little meals spread out...if I had to I would, but since it works fine I'll stick to my usual three.